Sunday, August 19, 2012

SQL Sins

Ovid: I've recently purchased the book DATABASE IN DEPTH by C. J. Date and I've been enjoying it very much.  It's been quite an eye-opener to discover that most of my gripes about "databases" were actually related to SQL.

To that end, I've accidentally started a lively discussion about the "merits" of SQL at Why SQL Sucks (with a little Perl to fix it). is getting mentioned quite a bit (and not always in a favorable light, I might add).  (Mine is the root post in the thread). Admittedly, I'm just learning about many of the issues involved. So despite years of working with databases, I may have some of the basics off a bit.

The reason I mention this is because that site is very high profile amongst Perl programmers and convincing the people at that site about the issues with SQL would go a long way to reaching a broad swath of the tech world. 

Friday, August 17, 2012

Weekly DBDebunk News

1. My first post for my new Data Fundamentals column at TechWeb's AllAnalytics:

Knowing What a Database Is

2. Last week I reported some Blogger bugs. One of them changes the URL's of the static pages when they are updated. The Seminars, Papers, LaughCry, Quotes and About are static pages, which means that I won't update them until Google fixes it, although I will continue to post updates in the blog.
If such an update scrolls before you read it you will have to go back to it to read it. I apologize for the inconvenience.

I am keeping a list of the pertinent posts and will update the pages as soon as the problem is solved.

3. Oops, forgot. Some of you may be experiencing broken links. I have a bunch of posts in draft mode in the pipe and and at one point I mistakenly posted all of them and had to take them off. Some of you are accessing those dead links. But not to worry: all of them will be posted in time, although they may have different URL.Again, sorry for the inconvenience, chuck it to birth pains.

Have a nice weekend.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

To Laugh or Cry?

Database table and NULLs,

Quote of the Week

In the database world, the raw physical data model is at the center of the universe, and queries freely assume intimate details of the data representation (indexes, statistics, metadata). This closed-world assumption and the resulting lack of abstraction have the pleasant effect of allowing the data to outlive the application. On the other hand, this makes it hard to evolve the underlying model independently from the queries over the model.

As the move to the cloud puts pressure on the closed-world assumption of the database, exposing naked data and relying on declarative magic becomes a liability rather than an asset. In the cloud, the roles are reversed, and objects should hide their private data representation, exposing it only via well-defined behavioral interfaces...

The world of database models is noun-based, talking about Customers, Orders, LineItems, etc. Once modelers have designed the data model correctly, they consider their job done.

In the realm of modelers, there is no notion of data abstraction that separates abstract properties of the model from the concrete details of the fully normalized realization in terms of tables with PK/FK (primary-key/foreign-key) relationships. --All Your Database Are Belong to Us, Erik Meijer

Schema, NoSQL and the Relational Model Part 2

Part 1 ended with my following comment to Matt Rogish, on the subject of a document data model:
As Codd realized, to do database management you must have some data model, period! You cannot do it without one. Indeed, a schema is based on it.

So in order to design a document database system of the kind you envision you must first define a document data model: structure, manipulation and integrity. What exactly is it?
Part 2 continues my response to Matt, using an exchange between me and Hugh Darwen to illustrate  what happened when an attempt was made by a W3C committee to come up with an XML document data model.

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